Tuesday, 18 February, 2025
মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২৫

Bank Details

A/C: Capital Market Stabilization Fund

Account No. 0010311521301

Bank: Community Bank Bangladesh Limited,

Branch Address: Police Plaza Concord (Level-5,
Tower-2), Plot-2, Road – 144, Dhaka-1212

Routing Number: 310260851

CMSF Vision

To stabilize the capital market of Bangladesh and thus promoting a sustainable long-term investment platform by supporting investors and building partnerships with all stakeholders

CMSF Mission

To serve as the custodian in perpetuity of any unclaimed, undistributed, or unsettled cash or stock dividends, un-allotted right share and non-refunded IPO money which remained undistributed or unpaid for at least three years and transferred to the Fund; to settle all valid   claims made by investors or shareholders.

To utilize the fund in stabilizing the capital market and ensuring market liquidity through buying and selling of listed securities, investing in other securities, supporting market intermediaries and market makers, and lending and borrowing of listed securities.


  1. To act prudently as the custodian of undistributed cash and stock dividend, non-refunded public subscription money, and un-allotted rights shares from the issuer of listed securities.
  2. To revive the confidence of the investors regarding the return of their investment by settling the valid claims of the investors properly.
  3. To strive in stabilizing the Capital Market through diferent operations such as buying and selling of listed securities, making investments in other securities, providing loans to market intermediaries and lending and borrowing listed securities.
  4. To emphasis the use of Financial Technology (FinTech) and Digital Technology in CMSF and thus making it a smart organization in line with the vision of Smart Bangladesh.
  5. To build and maintain sustainable partnerships among the capital market stakeholders to make them more interactive.
  6. To meet the goal 8.10 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance, and financial services for all” by 2030.
  7. To provide utmost importance on inclusiveness by engaging female, geographically/socially marginalized and special investors including physically challenged.
  8. To stress the importance of protecting the environment and recognize the need of assistance for those who are impacted by climate change.
